Legal Operations: How Legal Departments are Pivoting due to COVID

This afternoon, Bodhala participated in Consero’s Legal Operations virtual conference.

Bodhala CEO, Raj Goyle, led legal operations leaders across industries through a series of conversations on how to drive impact within their legal departments amidst COVID, the techniques legal departments are implementing to adjust for the future and save money, and how in-house teams can push their diversity initiatives both internally and externally.

Here are our key takeaways:

Data is driving how law firms are managed.

Finance is closely tracking legal spend.

  • As companies continue to grapple with the economic effects of COVID, it’s no surprise that finance departments are examining invoices and legal spend with heightened scrutiny. The pressure to cut costs is on as attendees noted increased interaction with their finance teams, sharing that every nickel and dime going out the door is being tracked and invoices over a specific cost threshold are being questioned. Learn about Bodhala’s suggested techniques for handling law firm payables during COVID.

Diversity standards are being set internally and externally.

Bodhala’s Insights

Whether you’re looking to cut costs, improve your department’s decision-making process, or drive key diversity initiatives – are you armed with the data needed to do so?

Bodhala is reimagining the legal services market place by providing legal market intelligence, insights, and guidance to corporations to optimize their legal operations. 

From top timekeepers to average hourly rates, and everything in between, all you need to know about your outside counsel spend and law firm staffing is housed in your data. 

Bodhala equips you with the data needed to hire the right lawyer at the right law firm at the right price.

Our platform’s insights have enabled clients to initiate data-driven conversations both internally and externally. With Bodhala, corporate legal departments have the power to justify their objections, negotiations, and decisions as they relate to legal spend, law firm selection, and diversity goals.

Bodhala’s Resources 

We’re here to help you find efficiencies in your company’s legal spend – speak with a Bodhala legal expert about legal spend management tactics.

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