HOUSTON – September 1, 2020 – Onit, Inc., a leading provider of enterprise workflow solutions, including enterprise legal management, contract lifecycle management and business process automation, today released a catalog representing more than 5,500 Apps and 130 solutions built on its workflow and business process automation platform Apptitude. The Apps and solutions, developed by Onit customers, partners and employees, represent innovative approaches to automating business processes in legal operations and across departments.

“The Onit Apptitude platform is built on a decade of best practices and offers limitless opportunities to streamline critical business processes throughout the enterprise,” said Eric M. Elfman, CEO and co-founder of Onit. “The Onit Nation, which includes employees, partners and customers that build on the Apptitude platform, has created solutions and Apps that automate simple and complex business challenges alike – from information gathering to security governance and escalation management. If there’s a use case, Onit’s workflow automation platform can automate it.”

While almost any process or workflow-related problem can be tackled with the Apptitude platform, below are a few examples of the Apps and solutions found in the catalog:

  • Business Continuity – This suite of Apps helps companies better manage the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including maintaining a remote workforce, overseeing business changes, mitigating company risk and managing financial impacts.
  • TREAD Report – One of the largest automotive manufacturers uses Onit to automate reporting for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Transportation Recall Enhancement, Accountability, and Documentation (TREAD) Act, reducing manual work and ensuring the company complies with the act.
  • Trade Association Approval and Management – This App, created by a Fortune 500 company, manages memberships, renewals and spend for trade associations worldwide. By adding transparency and reporting to the process, the company drives more value from association participation and greater accountability that lowers costs.
  • Fund Management – This App helps manage all of the necessary business processes, reviews and approvals for the transfer of assets between portfolio companies and generates the legal documents needed to memorialize the transactions. Now, a company can facilitate higher volumes of these complex financial transactions with the same size staff.
  • Policy Endorsement Drafting Portal – With this App, insurance underwriters can submit policy endorsement drafts for review and approval, saving time and improving response rates with self-service and automation.
  • Marketing Challenges – A leading global consumer products company uses Onit to centralize challenge requests from emails to a single location, increasing knowledge management and enabling analytics to understand the consistency and success rates of challenges.

The Onit Apptitude platform is used by more than 400 customers, including 57 Fortune 500 corporations. It is highly configurable and scalable and supports hundreds of thousands of users worldwide. The recent launch of its new visually oriented, drag-and-drop-friendly, workflow-building interface Process Builder greatly simplifies the creation of workflows and business logic for all users – regardless of technical proficiency.  This latest version offers features such as 200+ out-of-the-box workflow actions, unlimited end-user licensing and an intuitive interface that creates a workflow visualization before it is even finished.

To request a copy of the Onit Solutions Catalog:

About Onit

             Onit is a global leader of enterprise workflow solutions for legal, compliance, sales, IT, HR and finance departments. Our solutions transform best practices into smarter workflows, better processes and operational efficiencies. With a focus on enterprise legal management, matter management, spend management, contract management and legal holds, we operate globally and help transform the way Fortune 500 companies and billion-dollar legal departments bridge the gap between systems of record and systems of engagement. We help customers find gains in efficiency, reduce costs and automate transactions faster. For more information, visit www.onit.com or call 1-800-281-1330.

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Onit, Inc.
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