3 Big Essentials to Look for in an Enterprise Solution Provider

The time inevitably comes when most legal departments need to enhance their process automation, while others may be looking for their first automation solution. There are many things to keep in mind when researching providers and doing due diligence, but we don’t want to overwhelm you with a long list right now. For the purpose of this blog, there are three critical things we wanted to share with you — three of the most basic things you should be looking for in a solution provider:

  1. Enterprise Solutions – The provider should be capitalizing on the broad applicability of workflow-based task management, and eager to expand into functional areas outside of legal and aggressively solicit customer needs to write custom applications for other corporate-wide departments. Whether it’s an off-the-shelf solution or a platform on which the client can create their own applications, a provider that is well-versed in developing solutions for both legal and non-legal applications could be the way to go.
  2. Process Automation –  A workflow-centric approach that seeks to deconstruct matter management into independent, collaborative functional lifecycles that lawyers and operations managers use on a regular basis is critical. An a la carte model can empower users to add capabilities and components as needed. The ability to scale your enterprise legal management system in a manner consistent with operational requirements is your key to success.
  3. System Architecture – The providers that are on top of their game offer a modern architecture that showcases class-leading technology and a decidedly Saas-based approach to legal business application management. It needs to be flexible and agile, and designed for rapid deployment, flexibility and agility. Last but not least, it needs to work the way your team works.

If these three things are at the top of your list when you begin your search for a solution provider you’ll be a huge step ahead of the game.

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